Individual โ€“ Addiction Happens

THE FACT IS, if you don’t get help there’s a good chance you’ll die. The American Society of Addiction Medicine estimates more than 100 Americans die from opioid overdoes every, single day.

THE FACT IS, more than 75 percent of pain medication addicts will eventually switch to heroin because its cheaper and easier to get.

THE FACT IS, you’re not alone, more than 24 million people in the U.S. live with the same addiction you do.

THE FACT IS, opioid addiction is classified as a disease of the brain and its very treatable.

** facts and figure from the American Society of Addiction Medication 2015 statistics

Visiting this website was a great first step in fighting your way out of addiction. But you can’t stop here. You can be successful in breaking the addiction cycle and, there are plenty of people in this community willing and waiting to help you. All you need to do is reach out.
