April 26 Webinar
1:00 – 2:30 p.m. EST

Bridge the Gap Between Parent and Teens: How to Keep ‘Tweens and Teens Talking to Us
with Kerry Stutzman
There are so many curveballs and moments of uncertainty in parenting ‘tweens and teens. In this presentation, we’ll focus on trouble spots such as keeping our big kids talking to us, putting an end to arguing and yelling, and being the kind of parent your child can confide in.
We’ll address the questions faced by many parents of teens:Why does it feel like my teen is pushing me away?How does my parenting need to change as my kids get older?How do I engage my teens and keep them talking?In this engaging, heartfelt presentation, we’ll confront the challenge of showing up as an adult while parenting a teen. The struggle is real. A paradigm shift in our parenting may be needed in order to keep our kids feeling close to us. You’ll hear real-life stories that leave you feeling normal, and you’ll learn about research conducted to learn what parents can do to bridge the gap with teens and create close, connected families.
Learning objectives 
1. Learn what teens wish their parents knew.
2. Increase openness and communication with ‘tweens and teens.
3. Identify the price we, as parents, pay for three common parenting strategies.
4. Steps to create a close, connected family.
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